公式TOEIC問題集1 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題文 155-157

公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集1 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題文 155-157 (広告)の一節


In addition, our bigger space now allows us to offer the services of an expanded team of graphic designers who can work with you to conceptualize and design your product in order to achieve maximum visual appeal.

 In addition, / our bigger space now allows us to offer the services of an
 expanded team of graphic designers
/ who can work with you to conceptualize
 and design your product
/ in order to achieve maximum visual appeal.

 ■ 文の種類:複文-副詞句, 主節(含む関係詞節 副詞句

 ■ 副詞句:in addition「さらに」 ⇒ こちら

 ■ 主節:our bigger space now allows us to offer the services of an expanded
   team of graphic designers

   文型:S VT O C(to do) ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):our bigger space
   述部:now allows us to offer the services of an expanded team of graphic designers
   *副詞 now ⇒ こちら
   *allow O to do「Oが~するのを可能にする」 ⇒ こちら

 ■ 関係詞節:who can work with you to conceptualize and design your product
   関係代名詞 who
   *先行詞:an expanded team of graphic designers
   文型:S VI P N to do ⇒ こちら
   述部:can work with you to conceptualize and design your product
   *助動詞 can ⇒ こちら
   *work with N「Nと一緒に働く」 ⇒ こちら
   *不定詞句(to do):to conceptualize and design your product
    ・不定詞の副詞的用法(目的) ⇒ こちら

 ■ 副詞句:in order to achieve maximum visual appeal.
   *in order toについては こちら

