公式TOEIC問題集10 TEST1 PART7 問題186-190

公式TOEIC Listening & Reading 問題集 10 TEST1 PART7 問題186-190 (Eメール)の一節


Acts may keep the money collected at the door minus a 10% fee, which will be paid to the person who collects the cover charge from guests.

 Acts may keep the money / collected at the door minus a 10% fee, / which will
 be paid to the person
/ who collects the cover charge from guests.

 ■ 複文 - 主節(含む 過去分詞句), 関係詞節1(含む 関係詞節2

 ■ 主節:acts may keep the money

   文型:S VT O ⇒ こちら


   述部:may keep the money
   *助動詞 may(許可) ⇒ こちら
   *目的語(O):the money

 ■ 過去分詞句:collected at the door minus a 10% fee

   *過去分詞の形容詞的用法 ⇒ こちら
    ・the moneyを修飾

   *前置詞句:minus a 10% fee「10%の手数料を差し引いた」

 ■ 関係詞節1:which will be paid to the person

   文型:S be PP P

   主語(S):関係代名詞which(主格) ⇒ こちら
   *先行詞:the money

   述部:will be paid to the person
   *助動詞 will(意志) ⇒ こちら
   *受動態:be paid

   *前置詞句(P):to the person
    ・前置詞toについては こちら

 ■ 関係詞節2:who collects the cover charge from guests

   文型:S VT O P ⇒ こちら

   主語(S):関係代名詞who(主格) ⇒ こちら
   *先行詞:the person

   述部:collects the cover charge from guests
    ・collects O from N ⇒ こちら
   *目的語(O):the cover charge

