インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集2 TEST1 PART7 問題191-195
公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集2 TEST1 PART7 問題191-195 (Eメール)の一節
I have learned that the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa has been updated by the manufacturer, and I’m writing to provide you with the revised deails.
I have learned / that the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa has
been updated by the manufacturer, / and I’m writing to provide you with the
revised deails.
■ 重複文 - 主節1(含む that節), and 主節2
■ 主節1:I have learned that節
文型:S VT that … ⇒ こちら
述部:have learned that節
*現在完了形(完了) ⇒ こちら
■ that節:the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa has been updated
by the manufacturer
文型:S be PP by N
主語(S):the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa
*前置詞onについては こちら
述部:has been updated by the manufacturer
*受動態:be updated by the manufacturer「製造業者によって更新された」
■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
■ 主節2:I’m writing to provide you with the revised deails
文型:S VI to do ⇒ こちら
述部:am writing to provide you with the revised deails
*現在進行形 ⇒ こちら
・write to do ⇒ こちら
*不定詞句:to provide you with the revised details ⇒ こちら
I have learned / that the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa has
been updated by the manufacturer, / and I’m writing to provide you with the
revised deails.
■ 重複文 - 主節1(含む that節), and 主節2
■ 主節1:I have learned that節
文型:S VT that … ⇒ こちら
述部:have learned that節
*現在完了形(完了) ⇒ こちら
■ that節:the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa has been updated
by the manufacturer
文型:S be PP by N
主語(S):the information sheet on the new Brossel Mini Sofa
*前置詞onについては こちら
述部:has been updated by the manufacturer
*受動態:be updated by the manufacturer「製造業者によって更新された」
■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
■ 主節2:I’m writing to provide you with the revised deails
文型:S VI to do ⇒ こちら
述部:am writing to provide you with the revised deails
*現在進行形 ⇒ こちら
・write to do ⇒ こちら
*不定詞句:to provide you with the revised details ⇒ こちら