公式TOEIC問題集4 TEST 1 PART7 模擬問題文149-150

公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集4 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題149-150 (お知らせ)の一節


When a perceived threat is detected, the adult birds are less attentive to their eggs or chickes and may even adandon them.

 When a perceived threat is detected, / the adult birds are less attentive to their
 eggs or chickes
and may even adandon them.

 ■ 文の種類:重複文【副詞節 + 節1 and 節2】

 ■ 副詞節:when a perceived threat is detected
   接続詞 when「~のとき」 ⇒ こちら
   文型:S be PP
   主語(S):a perceived threat
   *perceivedは動詞perceiveの過去分詞の形容詞的用法 ⇒ こちら
   述部:is detected
   *受動態:is detected

 ■ 節1:the adult birds are less attentive to their eggs or chickes
   文型:S be ADJ P N ⇒ こちら
   主語:the adult birds
   述部:are less attentive to their eggs or chickes
   *副詞 less「より少ない」 ⇒ こちら
   *be attentive to N ⇒ こちら

 ■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら

 ■ 節2:(the adult birds) may even adandon them
   文型:S VT O ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):the adult birds(節1と共通)
   述部:may even adandon them
   *助動詞 may「~かもしれない⇒~することもある」(可能性・推量)
   *副詞 even「~さえ」 ⇒ こちら

