公式TOEIC問題集5 TEST1 PART7 問題191-195

公式TOEIC Listening&aReading 問題集5 TEST1 PART7 問題191-195 (Eメール)の一節


Vezza Diner supports your initiative and will therefore cover the cost of the classes as well as pay you for the time you will spend in training.

 Vezza Diner supports your initiative / and will therefore cover the cost of the
/ as well as pay you for the time / you will spend in training.

 ■ 重複文 ― 主節1 and 主節2 as well as 節(主語共通) 関係詞節

 ■ 主節1:Vezza Diner supports your initiative
   「Vezza Dinerはあなたの取り組みを支援する」

   文型:S VT O ⇒ こちら

   主語(S):Vezza Diner

   述部:supports your initiative
   *目的語(O):your initiative

 ■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら

 ■ 主節2:(Vezza Diner) will therefore cover the cost of the classes

   文型:S VT O

   主語(S):(Vezza Diner)(主節1と共通)

   述部:will therefore cover the cost of the classes
   *助動詞 will(意志) ⇒ こちら
   *副詞 therefore(それゆえ、したがって) ⇒ こちら
   *目的語(O):the cost of the classes

 ■ as well as 節:(Vezza Diner will) pay you for the time

   as well asについては こちら

   文型:S VT O P N ⇒ こちら

   主語(S):(Vezza Diner)(主節1と共通)

   述部:(will) pay you for the time
    ・pay O for N「OにNの代金を払う」 ⇒ こちら
   *名詞句(N):the time

 ■ 関係詞節:(which) you will spend in training

   関係代名詞which(目的格・省略) ⇒ こちら
   *先行詞:the time

   文型:S VI P N


   述部:will spend in training
    ・spend in N「Nに費やす」

