公式TOEIC問題集6 TEST1 PART 7 問題158-160

公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集6 TEST1 PART7 問題158-160 (記事)の一節


Mr. Marsh says that he has received requests from various people interested in opening their own business under his brand name, which would make them distributors of his services.

 Mr. Marsh says / that he has received requests from various people / interested
 in opening their own business under his brand name,
/ which would make
 them distributors of his services.

 ■ 文の種類:複文-主節(含むthat節 形容詞句), 関係詞節

 ■ 主節:Mr. Marsh says that節 形容詞句
   文型:S VT that … ADJ ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):Mr. Marsh
   述部:says that節

   that節:he has received requests from various people
   文型:S VT O P N ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):he has received requests from various people
   述部:has received requests from various people
   *現在完了形(継続) ⇒ こちら
    ・receive O from N ⇒ こちら

   形容詞句:interested in opening their own business under his brand name
    ・直前のvarious peopleを修飾
    ・interested in doing「~することに関心がある」
   *under his brand name「彼のブランド名の下で」
    ・前置詞underについては こちら

 ■ 関係詞節:which would make them distributors of his services
   文型:S VT O C ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):関係代名詞 which
   *先行詞:直前のopening their own business under his brand name
   述部:would make them distributors of his services
   *助動詞 would(丁寧さや希望) ⇒ こちら
    ・make O C ⇒ こちら

