公式TOEIC問題集6 TEST1 PART7 問題196-200

公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集6 TEST1 PART7 問題196-200 (編集後記)の一節


The news often talks about the use of driverless passenger cars in the near future, but self-directed trucks (SDTs) will likely be transporting deliveries on the country’s roadways even sooner, perhaps within the next several years.

 The news often talks about the use of driverless passenger cars in the near
/ but self-directed trucks (SDTs) will likely be transporting deliveries on
 the country’s roadways even sooner,
/ perhaps within the next several years.

 ■ 重文 - 主節1, but 主節2, 前置詞句

 ■ 主節1: the news often talks about the use of driverless passenger cars in the
   near future


   文型:S VI P N P ⇒ こちら

   主語(S):the news

   述部:often talks about the use of driverless passenger cars in the near future
   *副詞 often「しばしば」
    ・talk about N「Nについて話す」 ⇒ こちら
   *名詞句(N):the use of driverless passenger cars「自動運転の乗用車の使用」

   *前置詞句(P):in the near future「近い将来」

 ■ 等位接続詞 but ⇒ こちら

 ■ 主節2:self-directed trucks (SDTs) will likely be transporting deliveries on the
   country’s roadways even sooner


   文型:S VT O P AD ⇒ こちら

   主語(S):self-directed trucks (SDTs)

   述部:will likely be transporting deliveries on the country’s roadways even sooner
   *助動詞 will(単純未来) ⇒ こちら
   *副詞 likely「おそらく」 ⇒ こちら
   *現在進行形 be transporting

   *前置詞句(P):on the country’s roadways「国内の道路で」
    ・前置詞onについては こちら
   *副詞句(AD):even sooner「もっと早く」

 ■ 前置詞句:perhaps within the next several years

   *副詞 perhaps「おそらく」
   *前置詞withinについては こちら

