公式TOEIC問題集7 TEST1 PART7 問題172-175

公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集7 TEST1 PART 7 問題172-175 (プレスリリース)の一節


Hobby photographers wanting to sell or trade a few handheld items can pay an entry fee of $50 and bring crates or camera bags of gear to set up in a designated area on the floor.

 Hobby photographers wanting to sell or trade a few handheld items can pay an
 entry fee of $50
/ and (hobby photographers) bring crates or camera bags of
/ to set up in a designated area on the floor.

 ■ 文の種類:重文-節1 and 節2(含む不定詞句)・主語共通

 ■ 節1:hobby photographers wanting to sell or trade a few handheld items can
   pay an entry fee of $50

   文型:S VT O ⇒ こちら
   主語(S):hobby photographers wanting to sell or trade a few handheld items
   *wanting to …は直前のhobby photographersを修飾
    ・現在分詞の形容詞的用法 ⇒ こちら
   述部:can pay an entry fee of $50
   *助動詞 can(可能) ⇒ こちら
   *目的語(O):an entry fee of $50「50ドルの参加費」
    ・前置詞ofについては こちら

   等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら

 ■ 節2: (hobby photographers) bring crates or camera bags of gear
   文型:S VT O
   主語(S):(hobby photographers)
   述部:bring crates or camera bags of gear
   *目的語(O):crates or camera bags of gear「機材の入った木箱やカメラバッグ」

 ■ 不定詞句:to set up in a designated area on the floor.
   *不定詞の形容詞的用法 ⇒ こちら
    ・直前のcrates or camera bags of gearを修飾
   *set up「(機材などを)準備する、セッティングする」

