インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 模擬問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集8 TEST1 PART7 問題161-163
公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集8 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題文 161-163 (Eメール)の一節
For brochures about new home listings or our professional property management services, there is no need to include any return address as our current contact information is already printed on all of our promotinal materials.
For brochures about new home listings or our professional property
management services, / there is no need to include any return address / as
our current contact information is already printed on all of our promotinal
■ 文の種類:複文-副詞句, 主節(含む副詞節)
■ 副詞句(前置詞句):For brochures about new home listings or our professional
property management services
*前置詞forについては こちら
*前置詞aboutについては こちら
■ 主節: there is no need to include any return address / 副詞節
文型:there is S to do
*there is no need to do「~する必要はない」 ⇒ こちら
*include any return address「返信用住所を含める」
■ 副詞節: as our current contact information is already printed on all of our
promotinal materials
接続詞 as「~なので」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S be PP P N
主語(S):our current contact information
述部:is already printed on all of our promotinal materials
*受動態:is printed
*副詞 already「既に」 ⇒ こちら
*be printed on N「Nに印刷されている」
・前置詞onについては こちら
For brochures about new home listings or our professional property
management services, / there is no need to include any return address / as
our current contact information is already printed on all of our promotinal
■ 文の種類:複文-副詞句, 主節(含む副詞節)
■ 副詞句(前置詞句):For brochures about new home listings or our professional
property management services
*前置詞forについては こちら
*前置詞aboutについては こちら
■ 主節: there is no need to include any return address / 副詞節
文型:there is S to do
*there is no need to do「~する必要はない」 ⇒ こちら
*include any return address「返信用住所を含める」
■ 副詞節: as our current contact information is already printed on all of our
promotinal materials
接続詞 as「~なので」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S be PP P N
主語(S):our current contact information
述部:is already printed on all of our promotinal materials
*受動態:is printed
*副詞 already「既に」 ⇒ こちら
*be printed on N「Nに印刷されている」
・前置詞onについては こちら