インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集3 TEST1 PART7 問題196-200
公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集3 TEST1 PART7 問題196-1200 (オンラインプロフィール)の一節
Having served as president of Comet Investing Group and as chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New Zealand, Avani Singh now dedicates her time to public speaking.
Having served as president of Comet Investing Group and as chief executive
officer at several prestigious financial firms in New Zealand, / Avani Singh now
dedicates her time to public speaking.
■ 単文 - 現在分詞句, 主節
■ 現在分詞句(分詞構文):Having served as president of Comet Investing Group
and as chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New
*having done「~した後」
・完了形の分詞構文 ⇒ こちら
*serve as N「<ある職>を務める」 ⇒ こちら
*名詞句(N):president of Comet Investing Group「Comet投資グループの代表」
*等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
*名詞句(N):chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New
■ 主節:Avani Singh now dedicates her time to public speaking
「Avani Singhは現在彼女の時間を講演活動に捧げている」
文型:S VT O P N ⇒ こちら
主語(S):Avani Singh
述部:now dedicates her time to public speaking
・dedicate O to N「OをNにささげる」 ⇒ こちら
*目的語(O):her time
*名詞句(N):public speaking
Having served as president of Comet Investing Group and as chief executive
officer at several prestigious financial firms in New Zealand, / Avani Singh now
dedicates her time to public speaking.
■ 単文 - 現在分詞句, 主節
■ 現在分詞句(分詞構文):Having served as president of Comet Investing Group
and as chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New
*having done「~した後」
・完了形の分詞構文 ⇒ こちら
*serve as N「<ある職>を務める」 ⇒ こちら
*名詞句(N):president of Comet Investing Group「Comet投資グループの代表」
*等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
*名詞句(N):chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New
■ 主節:Avani Singh now dedicates her time to public speaking
「Avani Singhは現在彼女の時間を講演活動に捧げている」
文型:S VT O P N ⇒ こちら
主語(S):Avani Singh
述部:now dedicates her time to public speaking
・dedicate O to N「OをNにささげる」 ⇒ こちら
*目的語(O):her time
*名詞句(N):public speaking
Avani Singhは、Comet投資グループの代表として、また、ニュージーランドの一流金融会社数社で最高執行責任者を務めた後、現在は自身の時間を講演活動に捧げている