公式TOEIC問題集5 TEST1 PART7 問題196-200

公式TOEIC Listening&aReading 問題集5 TEST1 PART7 問題196-200 (Eメール)の一節


While I have enjoyed my position and found great professinal growth opportunities at Kressford, I neeed to relocate to the Lexington area for family reasons and would love to work for an organization with such a stellar reputaion as Foretta and Daughters.

 While I have enjoyed my position and found great professinal growth
 opportunities at Kressford,
/ I neeed to relocate to the Lexington area for
 family reasons
/ and (I) would love to work for an organization with such a
 stellar reputaion as Foretta and Daughters.

 ■ 重複文 ― 副詞節, 主節1 and 主節2・主語共通

 ■ 副詞節:while I have enjoyed my position and found great professinal growth
   opportunities at Kressford


   接続詞 while ⇒ こちら

   文型:S VT1 O1 and VT2 O2 P ⇒ こちら


   述部:have enjoyed my position and found great professinal growth opportunities at

   *現在完了形(継続) ⇒ こちら

   *目的語(O1):my position

   *等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら

   *目的語(O2):great professinal growth opportunities

   *前置詞句(P):at Kressford
    ・前置詞atについては こちら

 ■ 主節1:I neeed to relocate to the Lexington area for family reasons

   文型:S VT to do P ⇒ こちら


   述部:neeed to relocate to the Lexington area for family reasons
    ・need to do「~する必要がある」 ⇒ こちら
   *不定詞句:to relocate to the Lexington area
    ・relocate to N「Nに転居する」 ⇒ こちら

   *前置詞句(P):for family reasons「家庭の事情により」
    ・前置詞forについては こちら

 ■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら

 ■ 主節2:(I) would love to work for an organization with such a stellar
   reputaion as Foretta and Daughters

   「Foretta and Daughtersのような輝かしい評判を持つ組織で是非働きたい」

   文型:S VT to do P


   述部:would love to work for an organization with such a stellar reputaion as Foretta
   and Daughters

    ・would love to do「是非~したい」 ⇒ こちら
   *不定詞句:to work for an organization「組織で働く」 ⇒ こちら

   *前置詞句(P):with such a stellar reputaion as Foretta and Daughters
    「Foretta and Daughtersのような輝かしい評判を持つ」(組織)
    ・前置詞withについては  ⇒ こちら

私はKressford社で現職を楽しみ、職業上成長する大きな機会を得ましたが、家庭の事情によりレキシントン地区に転居する必要があり、Foretta and Daughtersのような輝かしい評判を持つ組織で是非働きたいと存じます。
