インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集2 TEST2 PART7 149-150
公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集2 TEST2 PART7 149-150 (Eメール)の一節
In preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar you have enrolled in, you are asked to answer a brief survey so that we can better understand your needs as a business owner.
In preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar / you have enrolled
in, / you are asked to answer a brief survey / so that we can better understand
your needs as a business owner.
■ 前置詞句:in preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar 関係詞節
*熟語:in preparation for N「Nに備えて」 ⇒ こちら
■ 関係詞節:(which/that) you have enrolled in
関係代名詞 which/that(目的格・省略)
*先行詞:Asia seminar
文型:S VI P (N) ⇒ こちら
述部:have enrolled in
*現在完了形(完了) ⇒ こちら
・enroll in N「Nに登録する」 ⇒ こちら
■ 主節:you are asked to answer a brief survey
文型:S be PP to do
述部:are asked to answer a brief survey
*受動態:be asked to do「~するよう頼まれる」
*不定詞句:to answer a brief survey「簡単な調査に回答する」
■ 接続詞節:so that we can better understand your needs as a business owner
接続詞:so that「~するよう」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S VT O as N ⇒ こちら
述部:can better understand your needs as a business owner
*助動詞 can(可能)
*副詞 better「よりよく」
*目的語(O):your needs
*前置詞句:as a business owner「事業主として」 ⇒ こちら
In preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar / you have enrolled
in, / you are asked to answer a brief survey / so that we can better understand
your needs as a business owner.
複文 - 前置詞句(含む 関係詞節), 主節 接続詞節
節・句 | 原 文・訳 文 |
前置詞句 | in preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar 関係詞節 |
「アジアで顧客を引き付ける」セミナーに備えて | |
関係詞節 | (which/that) you have enrolled in |
あなたが登録した | 主 節 | you are asked to answer a brief survey |
あなたは簡単な調査に回答するよう頼まれる | |
接続詞節 | so that we can better understand your needs as a business owner. |
あなたの事業主としてのニーズを我々がよりよく理解できるよう |
■ 前置詞句:in preparation for the Attracting Customers in Asia seminar 関係詞節
*熟語:in preparation for N「Nに備えて」 ⇒ こちら
■ 関係詞節:(which/that) you have enrolled in
関係代名詞 which/that(目的格・省略)
*先行詞:Asia seminar
文型:S VI P (N) ⇒ こちら
述部:have enrolled in
*現在完了形(完了) ⇒ こちら
・enroll in N「Nに登録する」 ⇒ こちら
■ 主節:you are asked to answer a brief survey
文型:S be PP to do
述部:are asked to answer a brief survey
*受動態:be asked to do「~するよう頼まれる」
*不定詞句:to answer a brief survey「簡単な調査に回答する」
■ 接続詞節:so that we can better understand your needs as a business owner
接続詞:so that「~するよう」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S VT O as N ⇒ こちら
述部:can better understand your needs as a business owner
*助動詞 can(可能)
*副詞 better「よりよく」
*目的語(O):your needs
*前置詞句:as a business owner「事業主として」 ⇒ こちら