インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 模擬問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集8 TEST1 PART7 模擬問題文 156-157
公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集8 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題文 156-157 (Eメール)の一節
I want to check if your company would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway that leads to the corporate headquarters of my company.
I want to check / if your company would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway / that
leads to the corporate headquarters of my company.
■ 文の種類:複文【主節(含む副詞節(含む関係詞節))】
■ 主節:I want to check if …
文型:S VT to do ⇒ こちら
述部:want to check if …
*want to do「~したい」 ⇒ こちら
■ 副詞節:if your company would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway
接続詞 if ⇒ こちら
文型:S be ADJ to do ⇒ こちら
主語:your company
述部:would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway
*助動詞 would ⇒ こちら
*be able to do「~することができる」 ⇒ こちら
*resurface the asphalt driveway「アスファルトの私道を再舗装する」
■ 関係詞節:that leads to the corporate headquaters of my company
文型:S VI P N ⇒ こちら
*先行詞:the asphalt driveway
述部:leads to the corporate headquarters of my company
*lead to N「Nに通じる」 ⇒ こちら
I want to check / if your company would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway / that
leads to the corporate headquarters of my company.
■ 文の種類:複文【主節(含む副詞節(含む関係詞節))】
■ 主節:I want to check if …
文型:S VT to do ⇒ こちら
述部:want to check if …
*want to do「~したい」 ⇒ こちら
■ 副詞節:if your company would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway
接続詞 if ⇒ こちら
文型:S be ADJ to do ⇒ こちら
主語:your company
述部:would be able to resurface the asphalt driveway
*助動詞 would ⇒ こちら
*be able to do「~することができる」 ⇒ こちら
*resurface the asphalt driveway「アスファルトの私道を再舗装する」
■ 関係詞節:that leads to the corporate headquaters of my company
文型:S VI P N ⇒ こちら
*先行詞:the asphalt driveway
述部:leads to the corporate headquarters of my company
*lead to N「Nに通じる」 ⇒ こちら