インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 模擬問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集3 TEST1 PART7 模擬問題文 159-160
公式TOEIC Listening& Reading 問題集3 TEST1 PART 7 模擬問題159-160 (用紙)の一節
She asked for the image to be enlarged enough that all words and numbers can be seen clearly from about 3 meters away.
She asked for the image to be enlarged / enough that all words and numbers
can be seen clearly / from about 3 meters away.
■ 文の種類:複文-主節 副詞節(含む前置詞句)
■ 主節:She asked for the image to be enlarged
文型:S VI P N to do ⇒ こちら
述部:asked for the image to be enlarged
*ask for N to do ⇒ こちら
■ 副詞節:enough that all words and numbers can be seen clearly / 前置詞句
*enough that節「十分~であるよう」
文型:S be PP
主語(S):all words and numbers
述部:can be seen clearly
*助動詞 can「できる」 ⇒ こちら
*受動態:be seen
*副詞 clearly「はっきりと」
■ 前置詞句:from about 3 meters away
*fromとawayはaway from「~離れて」の形で使われることが多い
She asked for the image to be enlarged / enough that all words and numbers
can be seen clearly / from about 3 meters away.
■ 文の種類:複文-主節 副詞節(含む前置詞句)
■ 主節:She asked for the image to be enlarged
文型:S VI P N to do ⇒ こちら
述部:asked for the image to be enlarged
*ask for N to do ⇒ こちら
■ 副詞節:enough that all words and numbers can be seen clearly / 前置詞句
*enough that節「十分~であるよう」
文型:S be PP
主語(S):all words and numbers
述部:can be seen clearly
*助動詞 can「できる」 ⇒ こちら
*受動態:be seen
*副詞 clearly「はっきりと」
■ 前置詞句:from about 3 meters away
*fromとawayはaway from「~離れて」の形で使われることが多い