インデックス > 公式TOEIC問題集 PART7 模擬問題文 > 公式TOEIC問題集1 TEST1 PART7 問題161-163
公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集1 TEST1 PART7 問題161-163 (Eメール)の一節
As all of you know, that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency, and every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule.
As all of you know, / that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency, / and every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule.
■ 文の種類:重複文-副詞節, 節1 and 節2
■ 副詞節:as all of you know
接続詞 as「~するように」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S VI ⇒ こちら
主語(S):all of you
■ 節1:that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency
文型:S be C P ⇒ こちら
述部:is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency
*補語(C):the busiest time of year
・time of year「時期」
*前置詞句(P):for our car rental agency「当レンタカー会社にとって」
・前置詞forについては こちら
■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
■ 節2:every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule
文型:it is ADJ to do ⇒ こちら
副詞句:every year「毎年、年々」
述部:is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule
*be difficult to do ⇒ こちら
*fit O into N「OをNに組み込む」
As all of you know, / that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency, / and every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule.
■ 文の種類:重複文-副詞節, 節1 and 節2
■ 副詞節:as all of you know
接続詞 as「~するように」 ⇒ こちら
文型:S VI ⇒ こちら
主語(S):all of you
■ 節1:that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency
文型:S be C P ⇒ こちら
述部:is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency
*補語(C):the busiest time of year
・time of year「時期」
*前置詞句(P):for our car rental agency「当レンタカー会社にとって」
・前置詞forについては こちら
■ 等位接続詞 and ⇒ こちら
■ 節2:every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule
文型:it is ADJ to do ⇒ こちら
副詞句:every year「毎年、年々」
述部:is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule
*be difficult to do ⇒ こちら
*fit O into N「OをNに組み込む」