公式TOEIC問題集1 PART7 問題文 – 構文解析

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公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集1 PART7の問題文から選び出した文節の構文解析です。 下記の表の各原文にカーソルを合わせてクリックすると、詳細ページに飛びます。

TEST 問題番号 原  文
147-148 We are expanding Level 2, which previously held our shoe department, in order to build a food court for our valued customers.
149-150 I just got to my hotel from the airport but can’t find the number for PXY Enterprises.
151-152 They’ll explain how to operate various devices and provide tips on how to choose the right computer for your home or business.
153-154 If you have never tried these thin, sweet French pancakes, you’re in for a treat!
155-157 In addition, our bigger space now allows us to offer the services of an expanded team of graphic designers who can work with you to conceptualize and design your product in order to achieve maximum visual appeal.
158-160 While the material presented was helpful, I felt that one day was not enough time to thoroughly cover the presenters’ topics.
161-163 As all of you know, that is the busiest time of year for our car rental agency, and every year it is difficult to fit the trip into our schedule.
164-167 I’m going to review how to log in to the new computer system.
168-171 He will take over most of her usual dudies, including answering the phones, scheduling hair appointments, and checking clients in and out of the facility.
172-175 In preparation for Friday’s fireworks show, municipal cleaning crews combed the beach on Satuaday and Sunday to remove debris washed up by Thursday night’s storm.
176-180 I’m glad to know we have so many subscribers returning for another season and that we also have an increase in new subsribers.
181-185 When I spoke with Emilia Katzenback, my previous contact at Restaurflex, she offerred a discount on item RX1800, bringing the unit cost from 30 cents to 20 cents each.
186-190 Failure to do so may result in books production delays or increased production fees.
191-195 Since rain is likely on Sunday, I would like to move Matt Treager’s event, which will take place outdoors, to Saturday and move yours to Sunday at noon.
196-200 He told me about a great benefit that he received that is available to business owners like me.
2 151-152 Visit our Web site at www.copycentric.com for information on our five locations.
153-154 The successful candidate must have a friendly manner and be able to operate a multiline telephone system in a busy office setting.
155-157 They are fragile, and I am concerned that they might crack from the pressure if they are stacked in tall piles.
158-160 All sales associates must enter their hours for the week using the computer by their cash register before the close of the business on Thursday, November 11.
161-164 I’m interested in seeing the materials Na-Young and her group have developed to promote their new product line.
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