公式TOEIC問題集3 PART7 問題文 – 構文解析

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公式TOEIC Listening&Reading 問題集3 PART7の問題文から選び出した文節の構文解析です。 下記の表の各原文にカーソルを合わせてクリックすると、詳細ページに飛びます。

TEST 問題番号 原  文
147-148 Shagani Construction needs two general construction workers for carpentry and other work.
149-150 We will attempt to deliver your package again tomorrow between the hours of 10 A.M. and 2 P.M.
151-152 I keep getting an error message when I press the power button.
153-155 Critically acclaimed poet and Northlander University professor Jeremiah Hines will give a poetry reading at the Café Metropolitan on Friday, June 16, from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
156-158 Our goal here at Really Real is to help the people of New Zealand make informed decisions about their planned purchases.
159-160 She asked for the image to be enlarged enough that all words and numbers can be seen clearly from about 3 meters away.
161-163 In addition, many of our participants have received scholarships to study computer science at prestigious universities and have gone on to work for top companies.
164-167 Let me know the delivery time so I can make space for the furniture van.
168-171 Wanting to return the wallet to Mr. Bradlin as soon as possible, Tim walked to nearby Forest View Market to see if anyone could help him with his search.
172-175 We handle Garters Stores’ finances, and with Caria Cunha on mediacal leave, the team is struggling to meet deadlines.
176-180 Any book donation will be rewarded with a merchandise credit (based on 20 percent of the cash value of each book) for use on a one-time purchase at either our Delford or our Stratton location.
181-185 In order to serve our present members the best way we can and attract new members, we are asking for your feedback.
186-190 Shortly, thereafter, I learned that four colleagues would need to travel with me, so I called Steliar Auto Rental to change the reservation.
191-195 Critics argue that the funds needed to implement the IRI should be generated by budget cuts and the elimination of some government sponsored programms.
196-200 Having served as president of Comet Investing Group and as chief executive officer at several prestigious financial firms in New Zealand, Avani Singh now dedicates her time to public speaking.
2 149-150 As you read in yesterday’s company-wide memo, the system for storing employee records has recently been updated.
151-152 Once the Corporate Travel Department has made reservation and payment, the employee will receive a confirmation number to present to the hotel clerk.
153-154 So would you be available to work my evening shift at the box office next Tuesday?
155-157 Based on the information you provided during our telephone interview, I found a promising opportunity.
158-160 The home has been fully upgraded to include modern appliances, new carpets, and air-conditioning.
161-163 Salty Sea manager Nishit Kapoor has come to a hard-won agreement with the property owner, PG Realty, to rebuild the restaurant where it stands.
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